Analysis of punctuality and driving times optimize journeys
Unpredictable events are a part of everyday life in public transport, but with analysis functions, we can optimize punctuality in traffic in real-time.
Unpredictable events are a part of everyday life in public transport, but with analysis functions, we can optimize punctuality in traffic in real-time.
A recorded webinar about real-time technology onboard vehicles, where we discuss software in vehicles, over-the-air updates, and "off-the-shelf hardware".
Nobina, the largest public bus transport operator in the Nordics, signs a contract with Gaia for consultancy services and software ahead of this summer's traffic start in Malmö.
By combining traffic visualization with data analysis in real-time, it becomes easier to oversee ongoing traffic and system status and act on deviations in a constantly changing situation.
In the Digital Guidance project, we have worked on new technical solutions to make journeys on public transportation more accessible.
I projektet Digital ledsagning har vi jobbat med nya tekniska lösningar för att göra resor inom kollektivtrafiken mer tillgängliga.
We needed an office with room for us to grow and expand our business, and that's exactly what we've found in our new premises in the Kopparhusen district.
Now, Östgötatrafiken's connected test buses with Gaia Public Transport on board are in operation, and we checked in with Jesper Strandberg at Östgötatrafiken.
We have been eager to test our solution – and now, at last, ten buses with Gaia Public Transport are finally rolling in Östgötatrafiken's urban and rural transport.