See you at UITP Summit!
It's finally time for UITP Summit again. We are excited and are getting ready to travel to Barcelona this weekend. Will we meet there?
It's finally time for UITP Summit again. We are excited and are getting ready to travel to Barcelona this weekend. Will we meet there?
This spring we have been working on a fun project – a completely new website. And now it's finally live!
Real-time information is taken for granted today, by passengers, traffic controllers, informants, and drivers. With access to real-time information, the demand for real-time functions also increases, something many are not yet prepared for.
After three days at the Persontrafik exhibition, we have compiled our main trend and future observations on where public transportation is headed.
Äntligen är de här – våra tre nya gaianer Sara, Jacob och Hanna. Alla från LiU och nu redo att ta sig an nya utmaningar som systemutvecklare.
Meet our newest additions at Gaia – Sara, Jacob, and Hanna. All are coming from LiU and are now ready to take on new challenges as system developers.
Felicia and Andreas, two former Norrköping residents, went to Lund for their university studies. Last spring, they returned to Norrköping to work on their master's thesis together here at Gaia. Now they're almost done, and we took the opportunity to ask them some questions to learn more!
Felicia och Andreas har gjort sitt exjobb tillsammans här på Gaia. Nu är de nästan klara och vi har passat på att ställa några frågor till dem.
We are back in Sweden after a week in Germany and three full days at IT-Trans – a trade fair and conference focusing on IT solutions in public transportation.
Vi är tillbaka i Sverige efter en vecka i Tyskland och tre heldagar på IT-Trans – en mässa och konferens som fokuserar på IT-lösningar för kollektivtrafiken.