
About emilia

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So far emilia has created 49 blog entries.

Webinar: Next Generation Real-Time – More Than Just Positions [in Swedish]

Real-time information is taken for granted today, by passengers, traffic controllers, informants, and drivers. With access to real-time information, the demand for real-time functions also increases, something many are not yet prepared for.

By |2023-05-24T13:47:33+02:002023-04-24|Video, Webinar|Comments Off on Webinar: Next Generation Real-Time – More Than Just Positions [in Swedish]

Our 4 biggest trend and future predictions from Persontrafik

After three days at the Persontrafik exhibition, we have compiled our main trend and future observations on where public transportation is headed.

By |2023-05-24T10:48:59+02:002022-11-10|Article, News posts|Comments Off on Our 4 biggest trend and future predictions from Persontrafik

Felicia & Andreas have worked on their thesis with Machine Learning models for deviations in vehicle log data

Felicia and Andreas, two former Norrköping residents, went to Lund for their university studies. Last spring, they returned to Norrköping to work on their master's thesis together here at Gaia. Now they're almost done, and we took the opportunity to ask them some questions to learn more!

By |2023-09-18T10:13:50+02:002022-06-07|Career ENG|Comments Off on Felicia & Andreas have worked on their thesis with Machine Learning models for deviations in vehicle log data

Felicia & Andreas har exjobbat med ML-modeller för avvikelser i fordons loggdata

Felicia och Andreas har gjort sitt exjobb tillsammans här på Gaia. Nu är de nästan klara och vi har passat på att ställa några frågor till dem.

By |2023-09-18T10:12:41+02:002022-06-07|Career SWE|Comments Off on Felicia & Andreas har exjobbat med ML-modeller för avvikelser i fordons loggdata
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