Passengers on a bus. One is looking down at their mobile.
Passengers on a bus. One is looking down at their mobile.Passengers on a bus. One is looking down at their mobile.


Watch the webinar where we showed Gaia Public Transport live [in Swedish]

Published 2021-12-03

Digital solutions are essential for the future of public transportation. With Gaia Public Transport, you get the digital tools you need. Now you can watch the webinar where we showcased the real-time features of Gaia Public Transport live.


With changes in society, the demands on public transportation are increasing, and development is rapidly progressing. Gaia Public Transport provides the tools you need for digitized public transit. With our real-time platform, you gain insights and control and can influence what happens during the current traffic day. During the webinar, we showcased the latest functionality and provided an overview of the different parts of the system. Watch the webinar with Gaia members Johan Lindén, Hans Ekström, and Fredrik Knutson to see how the system can be used! You can find more of our webinars on our YouTube channel.

Learn more about Gaia Public Transport here.