News posts

Watch the webinar where we showed Gaia Public Transport live [in Swedish]

Digital solutions are essential for the future of public transport. With Gaia Public Transport, we provide you with the digital tools you need.

By |2023-08-29T15:04:43+02:002021-12-03|News posts, Video, Webinar|Comments Off on Watch the webinar where we showed Gaia Public Transport live [in Swedish]

Together with DOSPACE, we can now offer office spaces outside of Östergötland

We now welcome you who want to work at Gaia outside Östergötland. We can offer office spaces nationwide through our new partnership with the coworking company DOSPACE.

By |2023-09-18T10:13:50+02:002021-10-21|Career ENG|Comments Off on Together with DOSPACE, we can now offer office spaces outside of Östergötland

We can now enhance our digital aid to make public transportation even more inclusive

Public transportation should be accessible to everyone in society, but [...]

By |2023-05-24T14:38:40+02:002021-10-12|Article, News posts|Comments Off on We can now enhance our digital aid to make public transportation even more inclusive

Pilot driver support puts drivers in control of public transport

To facilitate drivers' work in public transport, we have developed PILOT, an interactive driver support system with information, navigation, and communication.

By |2023-08-24T14:33:54+02:002021-10-08|Article, News posts|Comments Off on Pilot driver support puts drivers in control of public transport

Tillsammans med DOSPACE kan vi nu erbjuda kontorsplatser utanför Östergötland

Nu välkomnar vi dig som vill jobba på Gaia utanför Östergötland. Genom vårt nya samarbete med coworkingbolaget DOSPACE kan vi redan idag erbjuda kontorsplatser runt om i landet

By |2023-09-18T10:11:34+02:002021-10-06|Career SWE|Comments Off on Tillsammans med DOSPACE kan vi nu erbjuda kontorsplatser utanför Östergötland

Webinar: Pilot – An Interactive Driver Assistance with Navigation [in Swedish]

To support the drivers in their work, we've developed Pilot – an interactive navigation and communication support – which eases the driver's route.

By |2023-08-24T14:46:35+02:002021-06-16|Video, Webinar|Comments Off on Webinar: Pilot – An Interactive Driver Assistance with Navigation [in Swedish]
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